#This tool is created for the purposes of tracking wifi management frames import threading import os, time import random from scapy.all import * import logging import json import traceback logger = 0 channelLookup ={ 2412:1, 2417:2, 2422:3, 2427:4, 2432:5, 2437:6, 2442:7, 2447:8, 2452:9, 2457:10, 2462:11, 2467:12, 2472:13, 2484:14, 2484:14, 5180:36, 5200:40, 5220:44, 5240:48, 5260:52, 5280:56, 5300:60, 5320:64, 5500:100, 5520:104, 5540:108, 5560:112, 5580:116, 5600:120, 5620:124, 5640:128, 5660:132, 5680:136, 5700:140, 5720:144, 5745:149, 5765:153, 5785:157, 5805:161, 5825:165 } def channelHop(interface): #background thread that hops wifi channels channel = 1 stop_hopping = False while not stop_hopping: time.sleep(1) os.system('iwconfig %s channel %d' % (interface, channel)) rando = int (random.random()*14) if rando != 0 and rando != channel: channel=rando def packetMuncher(frame): #defines the packet type and passes on if frame.haslayer(Dot11Beacon): #find Beacons processBeacon(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11AssoReq): processAssocReq(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11AssoResp): processAssocResp(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11Auth): processAuth(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11Deauth): processDeauth(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11Disas): processDissociation(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq): processProbeReq(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp): processProbeResp(frame) elif frame.haslayer(Dot11WEP):#TODOwep shit processDummyPacket(frame) else: processDummyPacket(frame) def parseBasicInfo(frame): #parse basic info that we expect to be in all 802.11 frames frequency = frame.ChannelFrequency signal = frame.dBm_AntSignal sender = frame.getlayer(Dot11).addr2 channel = channelLookup[frequency] data = """ "_channel" : "%s", "_frequency" :"%s", "_signal" : "%s", "_sender" : "%s" """ % (channel,frequency,signal,sender) return data def processAuth(frame): algorithm = frame.getlayer(Dot11Auth).algo seqnum = frame.getlayer(Dot11Auth).seqnum status = frame.getlayer(Dot11Auth).status data = """ "short_message" : "auth", "_type" : "auth", "_algorithm" : "%s", "_sequence_number" : "%s", "status" : "%s",%s """ % (algorithm, seqnum, status, parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) #print(data) def processAssocResp(frame): print(frame.summary) status=frame.getlayer(Dot11AssoResp).status aid = frame.getlayer(Dot11AssoResp).AID capability = frame.getlayer(Dot11AssoResp).cap recipient = frame.getlayer(Dot11).addr1 data = """ "short_message" : "assocresp", "_type" : "assocresp", "_recipient" : "%s", "_status" : "%s", "_aid" : "%s", "_capability" : "%s",%s """ % (recipient, status, aid, capability, parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) #print(data) def processAssocReq(frame): capability = frame.getlayer(Dot11AssoReq).cap listen_interval = frame.getlayer(Dot11AssoReq).listen_interval essid= frame.getlayer(Dot11Elt).info.decode("utf-8") recipient = frame.getlayer(Dot11).addr1 data = """ "short_message" : "assocreq", "_type" : "assocreq", "_recipient" : "%s", "_essid" : "%s", "_capability" : "%s", "_listen_interval" : "%s", %s """ % (recipient, essid,capability, listen_interval, parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) #print(data) def processDeauth(frame): print(frame.summary) recipient = frame.getlayer(Dot11).addr1 reason = frame.getlayer(Dot11Deauth).reason data = """ "short_message" : "deauth", "_type" : "deauth", "_recipient" : "%s", "_reason_code" : "%s",%s """ % (recipient,reason,parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) def processDissociation(frame): print(frame.summary) recipient = frame.getlayer(Dot11).addr1 reason = frame.getlayer(Dot11Disas).reason data = """ "short_message" : "disassoc", "type" : "disassoc", "_recipient" : "%s", "_reason_code" : "%s",%s """ % (recipient,reason,parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) def processProbeReq(frame): essid= frame.getlayer(Dot11Elt,ID=0).info.decode("utf-8") if essid=="": essid="NULL" data = """ "short_message" : "probe_req", "_type" : "probe-req", "_essid" : "%s",%s """ % (essid, parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) def processProbeResp(frame): ssid = frame.getlayer(Dot11ProbeResp).info.decode("utf-8") recipient = frame.getlayer(Dot11).addr1 data = """ "short_message" : "probe-resp", "_type" : "probe-resp", "_recipient" : "%s", "_essid" : "%s",%s """ % (recipient,ssid,parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) def processBeacon(frame):#process packets that are beacons ssid= frame.getlayer(Dot11Elt,ID=0).info.decode("utf-8") if ssid=="": ssid="NULL" ssidLength = frame.getlayer(Dot11Elt).len timestamp = frame.getlayer(Dot11Beacon).timestamp beacon_interval = frame.getlayer(Dot11Beacon).beacon_interval capability = frame.getlayer(Dot11Beacon).cap bssid = frame.getlayer(Dot11).addr2 data = """ "short_message" : "beacon", "_type" : "beacon", "_essid" : "%s", "_ssid_length" : "%s", "_timestamp" : "%s", "_beacon_interval" : "%s", "_capability" : "%s", %s """ % (ssid,ssidLength,timestamp,beacon_interval,capability,parseBasicInfo(frame)) sendGelf(data) def sendGelf(data): server= '' raw= """ { "version" : "1.1", "host" : "pi-bit208",%s }""" % data try: jsonPrime = json.loads(raw, strict=False) jsonData = json.dumps(jsonPrime) curlCommand = """curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -p0 -d '%s' %s """ % (jsonData,server) #os.system(curlCommand) server= 'http://graylog.ialab.dsu.edu:12201/gelf' curlCommand = """curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -p0 -d '%s' %s """ % (jsonData,server) os.system(curlCommand) except: print ("JSON loads or dumps FAILURE") traceback.print_exc() print (raw) def processDummyPacket(frame):#process a packet that we didn't identify goat=1 #print ("Meh") def findInterface(): for interface in socket.if_nameindex(): if(str(interface[1])[0:3]) == "wlx": return interface[1] print ("No wlx interface was found") return -1 if __name__ == "__main__": interface = findInterface() #monitorCommand="sudo airmon-ng start %s" % interface command = "sudo ifconfig %s down" %interface os.system(command) command = "sudo iwconfig %s mode monitor" %interface os.system(command) command = "sudo ifconfig %s up" %interface os.system(command) thread = threading.Thread(target = channelHop, args=(interface,),name="ChannelHopper") thread.daemon = True thread.start() sniff(iface=interface,prn=packetMuncher, store=0) while True: pass